Sunday, August 1, 2010
Lost in no mans land
Sunday, July 11, 2010
tiredy freen all the biasy
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Dead beat no beat
Monday, June 21, 2010
heyo yo guys! wooohooooo today is my super duper birthday. right but in a few mins time it marks the end of it alr, is alright, things that starts always ends. Well, juz thankyous lots for the small party and celebration, thankyous everyone for all the well wishes be it thro sms, thro call, thro twitter or facebook or even thro face to face, thankyous guys lots to the max. Also thankyou for all the present, u guys are the best :D Everything will be forever in my heart don worry :) thankyous
Sunday, June 20, 2010
If only words can explain everything
It is really not easy to find a true and real direction and go with it for life, but sometimes juz out of a matter of rushing, we juz make do with any direction. Sometimes its really easy to get lost in our life, but the thing that most of us would avoid is not to let someone say get lost to you. Although thats only when u really get on someone nerves or u intrude too much, but thats the thing that most doesn't like to say or hear. It is really alright to get lost in our life, because thats perfectly normal, but do most people really learn from their lost experience and get back on their feet and stand firm on their feet and never to get lost again. It sounds easy but yet not easy, sound tough but yet not tough. However, how many can actually do it?
Sunday, June 13, 2010

K this is erm our group photo of our group, a part of team 2 echo which consist of both group Hillary and Nila Utama. I am from grp Utama. Our team members are:
- Azri
- Izdihar
- Mandy
- Jeslyn
- Farizuan
- Azman
- Marilyn
- Krisada
- Jocelyn
- Rebecca
- Syakila
- Syahfurah
- Ren Yi
- Cuiting
- Jia Hui
- Nazri
Finally last but not least Zhi Wei our trainer. Seriously this is one of the longest camp i have been to and yet it is the toughest but most enjoyable and memorable. Indeed i dont think anyone who went for this camp will sort of forget this camp at all, like wat the banner said at the jetty back at pulau ubin camp 2, "Theres something about OBS that stays with you for life". Much as indeed am concern, its totally true. For the 2e1'09 students, u guys should know the feeling of it when Mr Teo left PHSS, thats the feeling you get when we seperate from each other from the campsite. But really i have never regretted going to OBS despite its toughness and everything. It is all those bits and pieces that our team shared together that brought us all together. 2 students from each sch, no i should be saying 2 leaders from each sch and a total of 8 schs which means a total of 16 ppl coming together from diff backgrounds, diff schs forming a team together and got together, going thro thick and thin throughout the camp, doing things that we might not even get the chance to do with our closest friends forever juz like the land and sea expedition, smth that not everytime we will get a chance to do it. I mean is like so really very meaningful and helping each other to pull through all these is not smth that we can experience everyday.... But seriously this camp i would say its totally diff from a lot of camps becoz theres learning everywhere, learning when ur playing, learning when we are trekking, totally everywhere, kay maybe pang sai nv learn lor... Anywhere else oso have learning. And these learning points will really stay with us for life. Other details i guess i would save for those who went for this camp ya, for us to know hahas. There are more photos u guys can find them on fb but i lazy to upload ler hahas. So ya i bought quite a lot of stuff tho like a obs cap, obs key chain, 2 obs shirt and 1 obs shorts, wooohooo! And ya tho there are stilll a lot of things that i can say but then ya shall not go any further, and ya i sort of juz "renewed" my blog so ya rmb to tag ya ;D cya! And oya before i forget, thx to ALL NILA UTAMAIANS FOR EVERYTHING, LOVE YOU GUYS!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
PHSS leadership camp 2010 by Trybe
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Wee wee in sch
Thursday, May 13, 2010
End oe^ exams
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Naffa test
Wooo this weeks the naffa plus mye week. Oh well ytd was all the 5 elements while today is the 2.4 run. lets take a look at the result
- Shuttle run --> 10.53
- Sit Ups --> 44
- Standing broad jump --> 180
- Sit and reach --> 49.5
- Inclined pull up --> 28
- 2.4 run --> 6th in position (timing dunno)
k lah overall soso but i failed that stupid standing broad jump, zzz. Well done to all 3E1 students, was a great run at the 2.4. Super well done to Sherry and Jerrick and Yao Kun, i guess all should know the reasons. k thats it really time is like running out, study and study is all that i care now coz MYE is here! K got to work supa hard alr, may only be able to post aft the MYE, till then peeps;D
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
3E1 ;D
wooohoooo 3E1 ur awesome. Today had hand ball and captains ball competition for IFD. Even tho our gals lost, but i think they did really well, i guess the class will be also very proud of u. For the boys side, well done too at least we got third. tmr..............................
haiz shall say it some other time hahas
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Goods new
Monday, April 5, 2010
You would never really appreciate someone when they are around, you only realise their importance after they have left
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Power of words
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Many say that i am so fortunate to have such a complete family or is it a misery to have a complete family. But at least am fortunate to have a good bro but seriously not my parents. Thinking that u are always right is 100% ridiculous coz ur humans too and u simply claim that u made no mistakes at all and refuse to admit to the fact that u will make mistakes. Trying to infute that everything i do is wrong simply irritates me to the end and max. I have tolerated all these nonsense for years and am so not going into centuries. Really feel like scolding that F word now but will i? kk wait and see. You claim that u guys know every single thing under the sun about me but u don even know wats my favourite colour. A very simple qns that all my friends if do not know the ans at least have a clue of it. And u dare to qns me y i am closer to my friends than to all of u? Freaking hell use ur brain to think of it would u be closer to someone who knows u or someone who don know u. Trying to infiltrate ur ideas into my mind doesnt help at all so give UP! Freaking pissed off. I am born this way and u guys should know that i am not the unreasonable sort. If u want to say no to a request, plz provide a solid reason if not do not even think bout saying the 2 letters NO becoz simply is a sure thing that i wont listen to all those crap. How come i cannot do this and ur ans to it is becoz i don like seeing u do this. Don like it? too bad simply juz too bad. Yes i admit to provide a solid reason that is able to shut my mouth and made no argues back at all is not an easy task but did u guys even try?! Throwing tanthrums at me when ur down and who do i throw them to? We are all humans and are u trying to imply that since u can do that on me when ur down, when i am down can i put it all out on u oso? U said this is smth wrong to do and yet u guys did it. U said not to follow ur foot steps but i am wearing the shoe u guys worn and how is that possible that i don follow ur foot steps? Sometimes all i need is juz a tap on the shoulder, a compliment or even juz a hug and where are all these coming from? my gans and friends. When i lose a competition u guys say ur so lousy cant even win k hitting me down fine and not even some encouraging words, FINE! And wat about when i win? u guys say juz a little shabby and lucky. HELLO?! Do u even know that words can oso kill someone thats y theres cyber bully. Ppl work hard for their goals, not count on luck to reach their goals. Success is a journey, not at all a destination. I do not need to lead a prosperous life like u guys said i need to, i juz need a caring and understanding parents. At times when i am down, it is my gans and my friends who were there for me, where were u guys? Asking if i have freaking completed my project? Yes i am under stress but who don? yes i do treat all these stress a my motivation, as smth to push me on but ur adding on to it? Having fuel to run the car is feasible but pouring excess fuel for the car do u think the car can even work?! Seriously don make me hate u guys to core, is smth i don wish to do.
K don talka bout all these alr, tmr have seminar then need go clinic then go cut hair somemore then come back home chiong all my hw. So long guys and thx to all my gans and friends who were always there for me, and super thx to those who actually notice i am faking a smile and face and know that i am down at that point of time. Looks like i needa work on my acting to put up fake smile ya;D
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Sec3 camp
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Monday, March 1, 2010
Dreaded with exams
haiz totally flunk my ct. starting my blog with a haiz agn... hate it max max... sad sad with results... k fine i pass my chi which i expected to fail, but still is at border line........
Eng: 31/50
Amath: 8/25
haiz totally tio drained by all these results. But there are more misery to come tmr esp when it comes to my humans and phy,chem is another scary one... Really not used to so many subjects lor... time time time is what i need to get back into the pace... Sometimes things juz doesnt seems right but wrong things sometimes do also comes with a little surprise isnt it? Today wyn came to ask me donate... kk my recess is gone hahas howya gonna thank me for that? lolz jkjk. Hope u raised that money soon:) Tmr gonna go for that body world thingy... i gonna miss my training... tmr hes coming and i am not.. haiz 1 less day to train my hua mian with chang jiao lu. Juz cleared the flooding of ct and next to come is the speech day but am so looking forward to it becoz the goh is......... hahas:) so long
Saturday, February 27, 2010
- If a guy only has a blog aft he got to know u, he created the blog for u
- If there are days whereby a gal the guys likes is staying back in sch, and always on these days the guys would appear in sch and when asked y, he would say hes staying back for nothing but in fact hes waiting for the gal.
- If a guy suddenly becomes very cold to his gans but he has no probs with his gans at all, he has fallen in love.
- If a guy can joke well, and if he is able to make the gal he love keep on laughing, and the gal keeps on laughing at the joke altho some of them are a bit lame and stupid, in the guys perspective, the gal is trying to say that she has feelings for that guy too and give some sorta permission for the guy and waiting for the guy to propose his love.
- When a guy keeps on going to a gals blog or facebook to see wat she writes, hes trying to get to know the gal better but has no courage to ask or get to know more bout her face to face.
- If a guy hates smth but the gal he likes simply love this smth to the max, he will try all means and ways to get himself to love this smth and if is like a performing art or sports or hobby, he will adopt it and love it more than the gal likes this smth. If a gal love the guy too, she will start to teach him bout this smth, if she has no feelings bout this guy but has a hope there coz she know the guy loves her deeply, she is willing to give this guy a chance, she will watch closely(monitor indirectly) of this guys progress, if this gal hates this guy so much, she will try all means and ways to change this smth that she likes a bout.
- If a guy keeps changing target, u can love this guy but will be dangerous and becareful of the things he does or say
- If a gals life suddenly turns very smooth and she knows that is becoz of someone but she does not know who this someone is who is helping her silently, there is a 95% chance is the guy that loves her.
- If a guy loves a gal, he will try to use all means to look into her bag or her personal stuffs like hp to get to know her lifestyle more and if the gal allow the guy to look or didnt really say no as in take away that smth from him, instead juz like keep back the things he takes out, shes juz shy but in the guys view, the gal is allowing him to enter her world.
- There is no end in getting to know a gal well becoz a gals heart and how she thinks is complicated, but but but, how a gal thinks and how she feels bout things are very hard to change so keep trying guys altho when u know 70% of her shes has 100% for u to know and when u know 170% bout her, theres 200% for u to know but keep trying is always correct. If a guy says he understand this gal very well, then hes actually lieing but at least it is a white lie and hes trying to make the gal feel secure tho to a gal it doesnt help much at all. Usually in a relationship whether this guy is with this gal or not, the gal usually knows much more of the guy than the guy knowing this gal but the worst things for guys to do is to assume to know an ans when the gal asked smth so guys, plz don do that. And when a guy starts to say i love u to this gal without looking into her eyes, the love in the guy is fading. If a guy is a person who sticks to a gal for long and his love is very hard to change, the only time he gives up is when he loves another gal but usually will be a misery for this particular guy becoz theres a supa high chance he has fallen into 2 gals at one time and really hard for him to make a choice, but at this time, to a guy, it is most welcomed to him that one of the gal steps in to help him make up his decision. In some cases, the party's gans knows him or her better, so can get to know him or her from his or her gans too. To all couples and steads or watever u guys wanna call it, do not appear to others that both of u are the most perfect couple becoz somehow, this relationship wont last if u guys do this but plz do not also appear to others that ur relationship is bout to fall. ppl usually says when a relationship is broken, the gal will be hurt more becoz usually shes cares more but in fact, no matter y the relationship breaks, the guys hurts as much as the gal somehow but he will still put up a strong front in front of others(char of guys) but they feel supa miserable when they are alone becoz thats when he will actually cry. For others, to test whether this guy or gal really loves him or her, can test by "suaning" them deeply and if they appear that they don really care bout others stupid comments, they love each other very deeply.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
It will come
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy Chinese New Year and Valentines day

Friday, February 12, 2010
Happy Chinese New Year and Valentines day