0.o is 1.23AM now 0o nice no. but am not asleep yet and still have seminar tmr morning,zzz. That day went out for movie outing ya was pretty cool and starting to miss that toothless hahas. Well am seriously very fed up with my parents now......argh...
Many say that i am so fortunate to have such a complete family or is it a misery to have a complete family. But at least am fortunate to have a good bro but seriously not my parents. Thinking that u are always right is 100% ridiculous coz ur humans too and u simply claim that u made no mistakes at all and refuse to admit to the fact that u will make mistakes. Trying to infute that everything i do is wrong simply irritates me to the end and max. I have tolerated all these nonsense for years and am so not going into centuries. Really feel like scolding that F word now but will i? kk wait and see. You claim that u guys know every single thing under the sun about me but u don even know wats my favourite colour. A very simple qns that all my friends if do not know the ans at least have a clue of it. And u dare to qns me y i am closer to my friends than to all of u? Freaking hell use ur brain to think of it would u be closer to someone who knows u or someone who don know u. Trying to infiltrate ur ideas into my mind doesnt help at all so give UP! Freaking pissed off. I am born this way and u guys should know that i am not the unreasonable sort. If u want to say no to a request, plz provide a solid reason if not do not even think bout saying the 2 letters NO becoz simply is a sure thing that i wont listen to all those crap. How come i cannot do this and ur ans to it is becoz i don like seeing u do this. Don like it? too bad simply juz too bad. Yes i admit to provide a solid reason that is able to shut my mouth and made no argues back at all is not an easy task but did u guys even try?! Throwing tanthrums at me when ur down and who do i throw them to? We are all humans and are u trying to imply that since u can do that on me when ur down, when i am down can i put it all out on u oso? U said this is smth wrong to do and yet u guys did it. U said not to follow ur foot steps but i am wearing the shoe u guys worn and how is that possible that i don follow ur foot steps? Sometimes all i need is juz a tap on the shoulder, a compliment or even juz a hug and where are all these coming from? my gans and friends. When i lose a competition u guys say ur so lousy cant even win k hitting me down fine and not even some encouraging words, FINE! And wat about when i win? u guys say juz a little shabby and lucky. HELLO?! Do u even know that words can oso kill someone thats y theres cyber bully. Ppl work hard for their goals, not count on luck to reach their goals. Success is a journey, not at all a destination. I do not need to lead a prosperous life like u guys said i need to, i juz need a caring and understanding parents. At times when i am down, it is my gans and my friends who were there for me, where were u guys? Asking if i have freaking completed my project? Yes i am under stress but who don? yes i do treat all these stress a my motivation, as smth to push me on but ur adding on to it? Having fuel to run the car is feasible but pouring excess fuel for the car do u think the car can even work?! Seriously don make me hate u guys to core, is smth i don wish to do.
K don talka bout all these alr, tmr have seminar then need go clinic then go cut hair somemore then come back home chiong all my hw. So long guys and thx to all my gans and friends who were always there for me, and super thx to those who actually notice i am faking a smile and face and know that i am down at that point of time. Looks like i needa work on my acting to put up fake smile ya;D
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