Yesterday went out with the class to watch 2012 the third time but this time, is a treat from mr teo, met middles at sengkang mrt,sorry was a bit late, then went to meet mr teo. It is becoz of the sun heating up the earth crust causing the replacement of it, thats y the world will be gone by 2012 but whether is it real or not, we will know it by then, juz an advice,if u wanna survive, be a scientist:-D

After we have finish watching the movie, mr teo treated us to B&J, yum yum is sure taste good, thats the i think my 6th time eating there? thx a lot to mr teo and look at him, chi de jing jing you wei,da kou da kou de chi, delicioooo!

Do not misunderstood, elena is smiling, juz that somehow the camera went a bit sot.

Big big smile from mr teo, becoz he was moving when i took the pic, it appears to be blury.

The middles picture with mr teo, hmmm, this seems complete, it wont be complete without u mr teo:-D

This is the mess created by hillary, elena and jiaqi,sigh...

After that they suggested go find miss neo's gift at compass,when reach compass, other than jon and yj, all others pang se.... u guys wait, will pang se until u all cry. After having KFC, walk around to see some suitable gift tho the price wasnt that suitable. Thank you a lot mr teo, u have make a big difference in us and no matter where u are, u will always be in our hearts. It is not becoz of the treating from him that make him a good teacher, but the care and concern he gave to us, the time he spare to spend with us rather than his wife at times makes him a wonderful teacher. Seriously to find such a teacher nowadays, is really getting harder.
To that someone, u should know who u are, we chatted a little juz now before i came to post, yes time cant be rewind even if u say it out but it can smoothen on its movement. That is only 1 thing inside part of ur life, everyone have to go thro it, the difference is only that others go thro it at different chapters, but isnt these little things in life that make us stronger? There will be no improvement if these things werent existed to happen, this is juz a small obstacle in life, theres a long way more to go, and much more challengers for u to overcome, look ahead and maybe sometimes take a look at ur back to warn urself not to make that mistake again, and yes you got to be strong but we are all humans, we are not gods, u have to overcome it but let us give u a lift. The human civilisation is meant to be helping one another when in need, supporting each other in life, thats hows time can pass.... don think too much:-D
Seaside seashore just places,
lover couples just humans,
flowers presents just objects,
love hugs kisses just rewards,
my feelings for you not just love,
L for loving you
O for on going love
V for very loving
E for everlasting love
Its been long and recently have been dreaming of a lady figure, an elegant lady. Though the face seems blur, but the height of her on my level seems clearer. I am blind to figures and face of you, but let my love bring your face clearer to my sight. Let my love expose the identity of this person whom I am confident that my answer in my heart is right.
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